We welcome all visitors to The Book Basket Company website.
Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and informative site for all visitors, however there are several terms and conditions that govern the use of our website. By accessing our site, you agree to be governed by these terms and conditions which may change at any time at the sole discretion of The Book Basket Company.
The Book Basket Company always endeavours to supply the books shown in the description of each book basket and Little Book Gift. Occasionally, for reasons beyond our control, a specific book may not be available. When this happens, we will provide another high-quality book of equal or greater value as a substitute. We will normally contact you before sending the gift basket to check that this is acceptable.
The Book Basket Company employs Australia Post which undertakes to provide a safe, prompt delivery service. Whilst we and Australia Post make every effort to deliver our gift baskets and Little Book Gifts within a reasonable time frames, delays do occasionally occur for reasons outside our control. We cannot guarantee delivery dates and late delivery does not constitute a failure of our agreement, nor does it entitle cancellation of your order. It is the customer’s responsibility to inform The Book Basket Company if an order has not arrived. We will then liaise with Australia Post to track the order and ensure the gift basket is delivered as soon as possible. You may also track your order through the emails sent to you by Australia Post.
Cancellation of Orders
If you wish to cancel your order, please contact The Book Basket Company immediately on 0403 070 131. Once payment for an order has been accepted, cancellation is at the discretion of The Book Basket Company. No cancellations can be accepted once the gift basket has left our premises.
Returns Policy
Our gift baskets are carefully packed to minimise the risk of them being damaged during the delivery process. If your gift basket has been damaged, please call The Book Basket Company on 0403 070 131 within 7 days of delivery. We will arrange for the damaged gift basket to be returned to us and a replacement gift basket will be delivered as soon as possible to your recipient. Please note that our returns policy does not apply to any gift basket that is deemed to have been damaged in a manner other than through transit.
All forms of images, designs, descriptions, photographs and written descriptive material appearing on our website are owned, controlled or licensed to The Book Basket Company. These materials are intellectual property, are protected by copyright and trademark laws and are not permitted to be used, copied, transmitted or reproduced in any manner, whether it be for personal or business use, without the express written permission of The Book Basket Company. Any unauthorised usage of these materials is a violation of these laws.
The information contained in this website is provided in good faith and is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. The Book Basket Company expressly disclaims liability which is based on a reliance on the information contained in this website. If you believe that any information contained in or link from this website is incorrect or inaccurate, please let us know by sending an email to: [email protected]
Links to Third Party Sites
This site may contain links to other third party websites. The Book Basket Company has no control over the content of material accessible via such links and does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or suitability of the information displayed on these sites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the management of these websites. It is the responsibility of the individual Internet user to make decisions regarding the relevance, accuracy, currency and/or reliability of information found on linked sites.